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The Library of Muhammadiyah University Jember is a working unit that contributes to the progress and development of its parent institution, as it can be used to measure the level of progress and development of the University. The establishment of the library aims to fulfill the needs of the academic community for various purposes. The organization of the library aims to support the implementation of the Higher Education Catur Dharma program, namely education and teaching, research, community service, as well as the development and practice of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan.

The library has the following strategic functions:

  1. Educational facility, serving as one of the centers for teaching and learning activities.
  2. Information and research facility, serving as a center for scientific activities in the fields of knowledge and technology.
  3. Cultural facility, serving as a repository and preservation center for the cultural products of the university.
  4. Inspirational facility, serving as one of the centers for writing essays and scholarly works.
  5. Human resource development facility, serving as a lifelong education facility for the intelligence of society.
  6. Catalyst for change, serving as a place for development that occurs in society through library services.
  7. A force for transforming the quality of life and creating a better life in the economic, social, cultural, and political fields.